Populate Excel Template using Power Automate and Office Script

Populate Excel Template using Power Automate and Office Script During this video, we will learn, how we can Populate Excel Template using Power Automate and Office Script. Most of the time, we have a requirement where we need to populate our data in our Excel Template and generate a new Excel file which is sentContinue reading “Populate Excel Template using Power Automate and Office Script”

Responsive Power Apps Gallery

Responsive Power Apps Gallery This video will learn how we can create truly responsive Power Apps Grids. We can use Gallery to create a Power Apps Grid. During this episode, we will learn about how we can create a responsive PowerApps Gallery. So, let’s get started! Key takeaways! 1. Responsive Power Apps Grids 2. GridContinue reading “Responsive Power Apps Gallery”

Power Apps Express Design – Create Power Apps from Image

Power Apps Express Design – Create Power Apps from Image Turn images and designs into apps using AI-powered express design. Microsoft Build 2022 was so special. Microsoft launched a new feature called Power Apps Express Design. Power Apps Express design feature turns Images and handwritten sketches into Power Apps. This opens up lots of realContinue reading “Power Apps Express Design – Create Power Apps from Image”

SharePoint Image Column in Power Apps

SharePoint Image Column in Power Apps Welcome to new feature of Power Apps and SharePoint. Now you can use SharePoint Image Column in Power Apps form. It’s the most awaited feature by Microsoft. Support for SharePoint list image columns for both read and write scenarios are available now. Previously we only supported reading images.  But, youContinue reading “SharePoint Image Column in Power Apps”

Add Apps and Flows to Common Data Service Default Solution

Add Apps and Flows to Common Data Service Default Solution During this video, we will learn how we can add our Power Apps and Power Automate to Common Dataservice Default Solution. Microsoft recently released this new feature. Once we enable the feature, all newly created PowerApps and Power Automate automatically add to the default solution.Continue reading “Add Apps and Flows to Common Data Service Default Solution”

Digital Signature in Power Apps using Pen Input Control

Digital Signature in Power Apps using Pen Input Control During this video, we will learn how we can implement Digital Signature in Power Apps using Pen Input Control. During this demo we have used SharePoint Document Library to store the signature. Based on your requirement you can store the Digital Signature to the SharePoint listContinue reading “Digital Signature in Power Apps using Pen Input Control”

Global microsoft हिन्दी Event – September 2022

Global microsoft हिन्दी Event – September 2022 Check the amazing line of speakers and session agenda! 🔗Register here: https://lnkd.in/gP6T43sx Teams Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGRlMjdkMjMtZWVlZS00OTgzLTg5NzAtMjZmYTU0MTJiZGYy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2209c9310a-d1e5-412b-9a8a-06b3ab1fb021%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22de49bd38-804d-4b5f-9204-736ab74de6ab%22%7d 📅24 Sept 2022 (Saturday) ⌚ 10 AM– 4 PM IST Session Highlights 1. #Yammer and its role in #Microsoft #Viva By #Microsoft #MVPs Nanddeep Nachan & Smita Nachan ⌚10 AM IST 2. #ModernizeContinue reading “Global microsoft हिन्दी Event – September 2022”

Overview of CoE Starter Kit (Center of Excellence)

Overview of CoE Starter Kit (Center of Excellence) During this video, we will talk about CoE Starter Kit in Power Platform. Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence (CoE) Starter Kit in an organization drives innovation and improvement and brings together like-minded people with similar business goals to share knowledge and success, while at the sameContinue reading “Overview of CoE Starter Kit (Center of Excellence)”

Key Influencer Visual in Power BI

Key Influencer Visual in Power BI Welcome to Power BI & AI Visualization Step by Step Series! During this video, we will talk about one AI Powered Key Influencer Visual in Power BI. Sometimes, there is a need wherein we want to analyze different factors which are affecting our business outcome. To analyze this, weContinue reading “Key Influencer Visual in Power BI”